Hi guys, im so happy for my new blog, actually i am so nervous cuz this is my first time making this whole daily live on my campus as a cook, i am a colleger at polytechnic tourism at makassar indonesia, today i want to share my daily activities at my campus. As you know imma kitchen psyco so i spending most of my campus live at kitchen, today we made an interisting maincourse, well uts easy but really taste good, i wanna introduce you with... CHICKEN CORDON BLEU!!!!!! Chicken fillet with smoked beef and cheese fo the filling, which make a good combination. it simple cuz the ingridient is not that expensive, we only need chicken, smoked beef, parmesan cheese (you could use cheddar but for better melt show i prefer parmesan), egg, flour, bread crumb, and some spice to marinated the chicken like, salt, pepper, parsley, and ginger(for make it smells really good). So first, you need to clean the chicken, marinated it with the spice and leave for 15-30 minutes(the longe...
Hai guys, my name is Reinaldy Mark Limang i usually called Rei, this is my activity blog at my campus Tourism Polytechnic Makassar if there is any of you want to send me critics or some Suggestion please contact me at Rmlimang@gmail.com or leave a comment at my blog and hopefully this blog will help you guys.. lot of love